Emergency call panel


Phone number

Police 110
Uelsen police station (in the town hall)05942/92215-0
Fax: 05942/ 92215-10
Emlichheim police 05943/92000
Fire department / rescue service / emergency doctor 112
Euregio practice / on-call practice of the Grafschafter doctors in the Euregio Klinik Albert-Schweizer-Straße 10, 48527 Nordhorn 05921/841000
Uelsen local fire department Local fire chief Mr. Pohlmann 05942/98024
Wilsum local fire department Local fire chief Mr. Gerritzen 05948/933083
Patient transportation 05921/19222
DRK rescue station Uelsen 112
Fault acceptance gas NBI 05921/301142 (24 h)
Gas fault call center (VBN) for the municipality of Gölenkamp 05941/6060 (24 h)
Electricity NBI fault reception 05921/301142
WAZ Niedergrafschaft in Neuenhaus - Water and wastewater 05941/6060 (24 h)
Number against grief parents telephone 0800/1110550
Number against grief children and youth hotline 0800/1110333