Municipality of Getelo
- Am Schulkamp / Dille III
- Playground at the kindergarten
Municipality of Gölenkamp
- Village meeting place
- Emilstrasse residential area
Municipality of Halle
- Old school Hardingen
- An der Becke
- Village meeting place
- To the source
Municipality of Itterbeck
- On the Itter
- Botterhook
- Iland / Wacholderstraße
- Mill road
- Nordker Esch / Hoogen Esch
Municipality of Uelsen
- Adventure playground, Fasanenweg
- Brandenberg, Elsternstraße
- Deepe Moate / Marsh Gardens
- Feldkamp / Field path
- Uelsen elementary school, Schulstraße
- Uelsen elementary school, Höcklenkamper Straße
- Pine path
- KiGa Amselstrolche, Amselstraße
- KiGa Tabaluga, Neuenhauser Straße
- Lemker Berg / Am Osthang
- Secondary school
- Uelsen East, Geschwister-Scholl-Straße
- Uelsen East extension, von-Stauffenberg-Straße
- Uelsen South-East, Bonhoefferstrasse
- Uelsen South, Rönnebergstraße
- Under the Brink trees
Municipality of Wielen
- At the edge of the forest, housing estate
- New School Playgroup
Municipality of Wilsum
- Maple road
- On the surcharge
- Elementary school
- Hopfenbachsiedlung
- Kindergarten
- Ridderskamp
- Weizenkamp