The town hall in Uelsen

Development plan no. 28

Development plan no. 28 "Itterbeck vacation and leisure park special area"

Complete table of contents

Folder 01:

1. development plan no. 28 of the municipality of Itterbeck "Itterbeck vacation and leisure park special area "2. justification for development plan no. 28 (Dehling & Twisselmann 2017)

3rd environmental report (City + Nature, 2017)

4.FFH impact assessment for the FFH area 3406-301 "Itterbecker Heide" as part of the land-use planning for the Itterbeck vacation and leisure park (Rücken & Partner, 2016)


Folder 02:

1. faunistic-ecological investigations and special species protection assessment (saP) for prohibitions acc. §44 BNatSchG for the "Itterbeck Holiday and Leisure Park" Part I: Faunistic report 2010 (revised and supplemented by 2016) and

2. part III: Special species conservation assessment - revision with faunistic follow-up study (Copris 2017)

3. application for an exemption permit in accordance with Section 45 (7) BNatSchG for the relocation of sand lizards and natterjack toads in the planning area of the Itterbeck vacation and leisure park

4. application for an exemption permit for the removal of § 30 biotopes (BNatSchG) in the planning area of the Itterbeck vacation and leisure park


Folder 3:

1. measures and maintenance concept "Itterbeck vacation and leisure park" - material depot, (Stadt + Natur 2017)

2. measures, play operation and maintenance concept "Itterbeck vacation and leisure park" - ammunition depot (Stadt + Natur 2017)

3. "Itterbeck vacation and leisure park" subsequent use concept, modified, status 03/2013 (RuP 2013)

4. concept for visitor guidance as part of the "Itterbeck vacation and leisure park" project (RuP 2016)

5. concept for the conversion of a former agricultural area into a heath biotope as part of the impact regulation for the urban land-use planning of the "Itterbeck Holiday and Leisure Park". (RuP 2016)

6. application for planning permission in accordance with § 63 NBauO - topsoil removal in the Itterbecker Heide nature reserve (Grafschaft Bentheim district 2016)

7. faunistic-ecological investigations and special species protection assessment (saP) for prohibitions acc. § Section 44 BNatSchG for the "Itterbeck Holiday and Leisure Park", municipality of Itterbeck, joint municipality of Uelsen, district of Grafschaft Bentheim - Part II: Repeat mapping and monitoring of nightjar and bat roost - reporting year 2016 (Copris 2017)

8. faunistic-ecological investigations and special species protection assessment (saP) for prohibitions acc. § Section 44 BNatSchG for the "Itterbeck Holiday and Leisure Park", municipality of Itterbeck, joint municipality of Uelsen, district of Grafschaft Bentheim - Part II: Repeat mapping and monitoring of the nightjar and bat roost - reporting year 2015 (Copris 2016)

9. faunistic-ecological investigations and special species protection assessment (saP) for prohibitions acc. § Section 44 BNatSchG for the "Itterbeck Holiday and Leisure Park", municipality of Itterbeck, joint municipality of Uelsen, district of Grafschaft Bentheim - Part II: Repeat mapping and monitoring of nightjar and bat roost - reporting year 2014 (Copris 2015)

10. faunistic-ecological investigations and special species protection assessment (saP) for prohibitions acc. § 44 BNatSchG for the "Itterbeck Holiday and Leisure Park", municipality of Itterbeck, joint municipality of Uelsen, district of Grafschaft Bentheim - Part II: Repeat mapping and monitoring of nightjar - reporting year 2012 (Copris 2012)

11. faunistic-ecological investigations and special species protection assessment (saP) for prohibitions acc. § 44 BNatSchG for the "Itterbeck Holiday and Leisure Park", municipality of Itterbeck, joint municipality of Uelsen, district of Grafschaft Bentheim - Part II: Repeat mapping of nightjar - reporting year 2010 (Copris 2010)


Folder 04:

1. drainage concept for development plan no. 28 "Itterbeck vacation and leisure park special area" (RuP 2013)

2. concept for the discharge of contaminated surface water from the golf courses (RuP 2013)

3. explanatory report with hydrogeological analysis on groundwater abstraction for irrigation purposes (HSW 2013)

4. groundwater abstraction for irrigation purposes, variant assessment (HSW 2012)

5th expert report on noise protection, traffic noise (RP Schalltechnik 2014)

6. immission control report no. LQS10967.1+2/01 on the determination and assessment of nitrogen input (critical load assessment) from vehicle traffic on the L 43 and the access road to the planned vacation and leisure park on the "Itterbecker Heide" FFH area in Itterbeck (Zech 2016)

7. historical research (Dr. Lüpkes Sachverständigenbüro 2013)

8. list of site-related environmentally relevant installations as well as suspected contaminated sites and areas of suspected military waste (Amt für Wehrgeophysik 2002)

9. note on the "Decommissioning/expansion of tank facilities on the property van der Most, Itterbeck, Kirchstr. 3 (former Bundeswehr depot) (Landkreis Grafschaft Bentheim 2012)

10. investigation of the efficiency of the L 43 / Kirchweg junction in connection with the planning of the Itterbeck vacation and leisure park (RuP 2007)